For those who normally provide wellness services in offices, lockdown has meant a pivot to a new way of working
Thinking back to the days when you were commuting to an office five days a week, you may well have been keen on the at-desk wellness services on offer in your workplace. From a Friday lunchtime massage to more intimate wellbeing such as meditation or even gong baths, as well as yoga and fitness classes, there was always something to lure us from being hunched over our desks.
Suddenly, overnight, that offering was gone – and, for those who provided it, a demand for a major pivot was calling in order to keep their business running. But how to offer something so ‘in person’ such as a massage or wellbeing service, when you’re not actually in person?
For many therapists, it has meant clever tweaking of their offering and finding new – and more productive, for some – ways of working. Suzi Cinalli runs The Vital Touch, and worked in-house with corporate companies as well as smaller ones providing in-office classes, everything from yoga and HIIT to meditation, as well as massages. She had to think quickly about what she could offer once lockdown began.
“Before, my work was all face to face," says Cinalli, "and when lockdown came, it felt like I’d been pushed off a cliff! I worked with 20 corporates, and I could go into their offices and do the work I love. The hardest thing was that we help people and we couldn’t do that at a time when they were more panicked and stressed."
Cinalli adds: "I went into my office space and started brainstorming what I could do. As part of our in-office services we did classes and workshops, and I realised we could do those virtually.”
Meditation online
In Manchester, Kate Brown runs Calm at Work, and also found that while some of her services such as massage were impossible to replicate, she could move to recording different sessions which can now be sold to different
Insurance Day - Focus: Modern slavery is a reputational issue for the cargo insurance market – 03.08.20 clients. It’s a clever way to make you offering work harder for you. Massage was of course, a no-go, so she began to offer her usual meditation classes online.
It felt like an easy switch, she says, even though she missed seeing people face to face, and will do so as soon as she can. “Being able to pre-record meant people could see the class who couldn’t make a certain time,” Brown explains. “I’m still adjusting to the pivot, but I think if you’re happy to say, ‘I’ll figure this out’ then things will be OK.”
Suzi Cinalli had to think about how to transfer the in-person class routine to a virtual offering, and one of her solutions was a package of three daily classes that a company could sign up for. In the morning there’s HIIT, then lunchtime meditation and evening yoga as well as virtual wellness webinars.
It’s key when we’re all working from home, to make sure we take breaks, she says, and having a class or workshop, albeit virtual, gives you those moments where you have to stop. Just because we’re not in the office, it doesn’t mean we don’t deserve that dose of wellness we’re used to.
Cinalli explains: “Everyone is working harder now we’re working from home. As we couldn’t offer massages, we designed virtual webinars such as ‘posture and ergonomics working at your home station’ and ‘how to help a worried mind’, to help people with posture and ergonomics instead.
"Before, you’d have breaks, and those moments where you’d leave the desk. These classes give people something to look forward to in the working day, as well as being vital for wellbeing.”
Overseas clients
Being virtual also means therapists can now give also an international offering. For example, Suzi has been working with companies and offices in Singapore, Australia and parts of Europe.
Another therapist who embraced the online world is Su Ram, at Azhagi Wellness. Ram’s pivot was to offer distance healing and gong sound healing via Zoom. It’s been enlightening, she says.
“I was doing a lot of healing treatments such as ayurvedic massage and cleansing chakras. I think people became more interested when they were working from home and isolated from office life. I see it more as a sideways step than a complete change.”
Some companies are now welcoming back employees, and Cinalli has done massage with full Covid compliance.
Being hands-on again is great, she says, but the online offering is a new world she won’t leave in a hurry.
It’s been an unexpected but productive pivot for her business. “As long as we can provide what we do help people, that’s the way we have got to go to keep connected with our clients.”